Understanding Corrosion: How and Why it Happens

What Causes Pipeline Corrosion?

Corrosion can be a major threat to the integrity and functionality of industrial gas pipelines. As a leading provider of industrial pipe painting services, Mid-South Painting, Inc. is committed to helping clients understand the science behind corrosion and why it happens. Explore the four main factors contributing to corrosion and request a quote for pipeline maintenance today.

Moisture and Chemicals Intensify Corrosion

Moisture and Chemicals Intensify Corrosion

Moisture is a catalyst for corrosion, particularly when combined with other environmental chemicals. When pipelines, ranging from gas to water, are exposed to moisture, such as rain, humidity, or condensation, they become susceptible to oxidation, leading to the formation of rust and other corrosive compounds. To combat this issue, Mid-South Painting, Inc. implements specialized protective paint coatings that act as a barrier.

Temperature and Pressure

Temperature and Pressure

High temperatures and pressure fluctuations place added stress on pipelines, making them more vulnerable to corrosion. Thermal expansion and contraction, as well as rapid temperature changes, can create ideal conditions for corrosion to occur. The utilization of appropriate pipeline coating systems designed to withstand extreme temperatures and pressure differentials becomes critical in counteracting these factors. 

Soil Conditions Play a Crucial Role

The soil surrounding pipelines can significantly impact their corrosion potential. Certain soil types, such as saline or acidic soils, possess corrosive properties capable of accelerating pipeline deterioration. Chemical reactions between the soil, the pipeline, and moisture can weaken the protective barriers already in place. At Mid-South Painting, Inc., we know the importance of pipeline maintenance and taking a proactive approach to corrosion prevention.

Cathodic Protection and Coatings

Cathodic Protection and Coatings

Cathodic protection is a widely recognized technique used to mitigate corrosion on buried or submerged pipelines. By introducing an electrical current, the pipeline’s metal is polarized, creating a cathodic field that inhibits corrosive reactions. Paired with cathodic protection systems, protective paint coatings on pipelines form an additional physical barrier that shields against external corrosive elements. 

Mid-South Painting, Inc. is a reliable partner in combating corrosion and safeguarding the longevity and structural integrity of valuable assets. Contact us today for a quote.

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